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Mass Bay Credit Union will never call and ask you for account or other personal information.  We recognize that there are people hoping to gain access to your deposit accounts, debit card, credit card and other personal information to make purchases and access your money.  Do not become a victim. If someone calls you, and the caller ID is our phone number, we ask that you do NOT give out or confirm your personal information, account numbers, PINs, social security or other sensitive information.  Hang up, do not press re-dial, and call us at 617-269-2700.  Do not be coaxed via text or email either!  We want to keep you safe from fraudsters.


Mass Bay Credit Union Charitable Foundation Golf Tournament 2024

Please join us for the 9th Mass Bay Credit Union Charitable Foundation Golf Tournament at the Cape Club of Sharon in Sharon, MA on Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Through our Mass Bay Credit Union Charitable Foundation, we seek to provide support to local causes that we believe make our community a better place to live and work. Following the credit union ideal of "People helping people", the Foundation works to identify places where we can make a difference, such as providing scholarship opportunities, sponsoring programs that benefit children in need, donating to causes that help the homeless, and many more. Mass Bay donates 100% of its fundraising, with nothing held back for administrative expenses.

To participate in or sponsor our golf tournament, click here.

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